Israel-Greece-Cyprus Energy Ministers reiterate support to EuroAsia Interconnector

07 June 2020

Nicosia, June 7, 2020 – EuroAsia Interconnector, the official Project Developer of the European Project of Common Interest Israel Cyprus Greece-Crete PCI 3.10 warmly thanks the Energy Ministers of Israel, Greece and Cyprus for reiterating their official support to the 1,208km EuroAsia Interconnector subsea electricity cable that ends the energy isolation of Cyprus by December 2023.

Speaking during the online conference organised by the Hellenic American Chamber of Commerce, entitled “East Med and the trilateral partnership (Greece-Israel-Cyprus) and its role in regional energy security and economic cooperation in the age of COVID-19 and beyond” the three ministers highlighted the importance of the EuroAsia Interconnector in ensuring energy security and economic prosperity through the trilateral partnership between the three countries.

Dr Yuval Steinitz – Minister of Energy, Israel: “We have areas of cooperation, like the electricity interconnection, that we already discussed in the past with Cyprus, that will enable Israel and Cyprus and also the island of Crete, to be electricity interconnected, and ultimately to mainland Europe.”

Kostis Hatzidakis – Minister of Energy and Environment, Greece: “The energy component is certainly the core of our partnership among the three countries – Greece, Israel and Cyprus – a partnership that dates back to 2011-2012 and I believe that this partnership is centered on two flagship projects related to the electricity and gas interconnectivity. I refer to the EuroAsia Interconnector whose inclusion in the future PCI projects of common interest list of the European Union we continue to support and also the EastMed gas pipeline.”

Georgios Lakkotrypis – Minister of Energy and Commerce, Cyprus: “This partnership, and more recently the addition of the US as well, has given us the platform where we can discuss common issues, common challenges, common solutions. As regards strategy, my colleagues mentioned the EastMed pipeline, and of course the EuroAsia Interconnector for electricity, which are both backed up by the European Union very strongly.”

The official Project Developer is proceeding with the implementation of the interconnection of Cyprus with Greece through Crete by December 2023, following the expression on May 27, 2020, of full coordination and support to the electricity interconnection from Greece’s Energy and Environment Minister Kostis Hatzidakis and Cyprus Energy Minister Giorgos Lakkotrypis.

EuroAsia Interconnector remains committed to the timely implementation of the 1208km subsea electricity interconnection that links the electricity grids of Cyprus and Greece through Crete by December 2023 and ends the energy isolation of Cyprus, the last energy isolated European Union Member State.

The EuroAsia Interconnector, as a leading European Project of Common Interest, is eligible for funding from the European Union’s ‘Connecting Europe Facility’ CEF financing resource for projects up to €8.7 bln.

The EuroAsia Interconnector as a Project of Common Interest: